Pulling off the perfect Hot Topic heist

Hot topics can equal hot coverage The hijacking trifecta: issue, position, expert Finding the right balance is essential The summer has arrived, and that means many in the B2B world have the out-of-office on, and are enjoying soaking up the…

Confessions of an IBA journalist

This year is IBA’s Golden Jubilee – 50 years as a publishing house, journalist hot shop and international Press Relations pioneer. The company was the first publishing house 50 years ago to launch a magazine helping accountants to use information…

Spotlight on Europe – it’s business as usual

This month the UK has been center stage on the political scene and in media terms courtesy of the 'Brexit' referendum and the England soccer team's early exit from the Euro 2016 Championships. Despite these excitements IBA's worldwide activities carried…

Platforms for success in B2B marketing

Don't spread your social media marketing too thinly Choose the channels that offer the highest lead conversion rates Less really is more I touched upon the importance of social media platforms for B2B companies in our previous blog, '5 B2C…

The consumerization of B2B marketing

Digital marketing can be divided into paid, owned and earned media Earned media is the icing on the marketing cake when engaging audiences Companies should follow the trifecta rule for content marketing - Pay for it, Own it, Earn it!…

How do you solve a problem like Maria?

It seems a lot of PR companies spend their time filling out time sheets just to show how much effort they've put into making no progress for their clients. And funnily enough, it always seems to be the client's fault…

Teflon Trump’s amazing exploitation of ‘earned’ media

Is Clinton's lack of earned media prolonging her struggle with Sanders? Trump's controversial nature pulls in billions in earned media Twitter has remained Trump's most valuable tool, exploited 24x7 So who would have thought it. Hillary Clinton had just one…

The Cultivation Game

Lead generation AND cultivation: a potent marketing mix Understanding your audience is the first step to a solid communication strategy that gets you noticed Reach prospects with consistent messaging across every communication platform People have developed an ability to overlook…

B2B marketing, PR and the sales process – filtering prospects down the sales funnel

You've aligned the marketing and sales, but it doesn't stop there Three ways external communications can guide prospects toward the sales team I recently authored a blog on aligning marketing and PR with the sales department to help create a…

Getting closer to your sales team – marketing and PR is part of your sales process

Many companies are producing great content, but is it benefiting the revenue cycle? Getting buy-in from your sellers is the key Setting up an asset library helps the bottom line We've all been there when it comes to requests for…