Winning PR tactics straight from the IBA playbook

Final approach to Q4, and the activity hopper is full with client events, news release momentum, and our content pipeline is full to the brim!

The power of thinking outside the PR Box

This month has been all about the sort of creative thinking that is beyond ChatGPT et al – finding new hooks, trailblazing new industry ideas, getting on top of SEO

With advertising spend set to stall, content marketers need to get creative

Content Marketing is high on the agenda at the moment, with budgets being squeezed amid global economic uncertainty, extracting the maximum value from content marketing activities will be a key priority.

AI – it’s not called artificial for nothing

PR and Marketing Pros: A case study in algorithm fail, critical thinking win

What a difference a year makes in strategic marketing communications!

IBA analyzes key data from the PRWeek/Cision State of Global Comms Report 2023

The ‘AI century’ is here, but how effective really is it in PR?

Evidence suggests almost every industry wants a slice of the AI-pie, and it seems the public relations sphere is not immune.