Social media is changing! Act now with our zero-click 101

Zero-click content rises to challenge established link-building practices.

Evergreen versus classic content

Classic content with value that stands the test of time is key to a winning content marketing strategy

Know your quarry? Try taking a seat at the Editor’s desk!

State of the Media Report 2024 reviewed, from the journalist’s PoV Imagine being a journalist, inundated with media pitches and press releases on a daily basis. As much as one in two journalists receive 50 pitches per week and most…

Behind the Muck Rack State of PR 2024 numbers

Muck Rack recently released its State of PR 2024 report, we were quick to have a detailed pick through to find out what’s new.

Is the latest OpenAI-Apple partnership an open goal for Microsoft?

Here we dive a bit deeper into the announcements at Apple's annual Worldwide Developers Conference. We had questions on whether Apple would deliver big on its promise for new AI developments or become the latest piggy-backer on the AI bandwagon…

You heard it here first: Google’s AI roadmap is now the meme of the internet!

As AI fatigue sets in, the world waits for Apple’s pronouncements on AI

It’s turbulent times in the Social Media industry – so how should B2B marketers respond?

There has been digital shed loads of changes and developments in the social media industry since our piece at the beginning of the year. Today we take a deep-dive into the standout B2B social media updates you need to know!

Google goes public with its AI roadmap – but what does that mean for Search?

A B2B marketing and PR review of the recent Bloomberg interview with Google CEO Sundar Pichai.

Quantitative vs. Qualitative data in PR

Campaign measurement is all in the data, but it’s not just all data. A successful PR campaign is all about doing what is counted, and what counts.

You Heard It Here First: As The Disinformation Battle Rages On, PR Pros must stand up and be counted

It’s no April Fool’s joke, digital platforms spread conspiracy theories six times faster than accurate news. We may only be a quarter the way through the year but misinformation in the media landscape is still very much alive and well.…