How to avoid Decision Paralysis and the Analysis Paralysis that comes with the Great Data Deluge

Marketing and comms teams have experienced the trickle down of a data-first focus, but can they become blinded by the numbers?

Quantitative vs. Qualitative data in PR

Campaign measurement is all in the data, but it’s not just all data. A successful PR campaign is all about doing what is counted, and what counts.

Valuable lessons learned from leaning into the summer lull!

How the IBA team has leaned into the lull this August - much to our clients' success!

Putting vanity metrics in perspective: The power of meaningful data-driven insights to boost marketing effectiveness

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again, it’s not always the big news outlets and excessive UVPMs that give marketers the most worthwhile metrics or results. The DMA research report seems to agree.

Throwback Friday: It seems some things just don’t get better – is marketing effectiveness just drowning in a sea of metrics?

Marketing managers are still finding it difficult to justify the cost of PR and marketing services when the ROI is so vague and shrouded by some 170 different types of metrics the DMA found to be in use. With this…

Busting the myth of ‘media engagements’! Three questions to ask about your PR reporting

A year ago the IBA team decided to bust the PR agency myth around "media engagements" vs. actual PR metrics and results. We've sat on too many multi-agency reporting calls only to hear some of the "industry leading" agencies explain…

How can I measure the success of my PR output?

Getting the full picture of PR campaign success can benefit the marketing manager who deployed it, should be used to inform sales & marketing strategies and impact planning at the business level. Metrics from PR campaigns can be gauged on…

Targeting your B2B content strategy is more than just a numbers game

Focus on high UVPM and audience figures can mean missing key buying personas Digital marketing has transformed B2B PR and communications – and rightfully so. PR has increasingly had to become a lead generation tool and the C-suite want quantifiable…