The spirit of technology and science really caught on at the IBA office this month. To kick things off, we have been re-engineering our social media strategy to give PR professionals some “food for thought” – stats, facts and figures from the latest research on marketing and public relations. And it’s not just PR we have been talking about lately. Because we are a tech PR company, we share lots of tech stories, on the IBA PR Twitter account from virtual reality and grill-bots to life-saving IoT technology and space exploration.
And to get some real perspective on today’s technologies, I took a little trip to the London Science museum last weekend, where I took photos of fascinating Industry 1.0 relics and the roots of publishing. Click the photo to open the full gallery or access it here.
What’s your favorite machine from the gallery? Tell us in the comments or tweet us @IBAPR.
Now let’s move to technology and the future – something our digital business services client puts a really high value on. This month it held a breakfast seminar for local schoolchildren about the exciting developments in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). IBA drafted a blog and a thought leadership article at the speed of light to support the event, and the Pitch&Place team has so far secured coverage in seven top-tier publications with three further pending placements.
And who said journalists don’t travel to events any more – just sit at home in front of a PC? Our enterprise software client’s world conference in the US is fast approaching and we have just arranged travel, stay and interview opportunities for 11 journalists at leading publications across aerospace & defense, industrial manufacturing, food manufacturing and more. The team are busy zeroing in on the agenda, making sure everything adds up and that everyone is in the right place at the right time. We’ll be on hand to provide social media support throughout the event and can’t wait for it to get started!
Réka Ágopcsa is PR Executive at IBA International.