Businesses buckle down for a good Q4 2020

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With only a few weeks left until we start the final Quarter of 2020, we are entering one of the busiest periods in the PR calendar, and our focus is on helping our clients generate leads and business opportunities through thought leadership placements, targeted press releases, media pitches and comment pieces in the last quarter.

Off to a flying start

Already we have defied the typical August hiatus by getting the first deliverable for our new enterprise labelling client off the ground and out into the media. IBA prides itself on being quick out of the starting gates for our clients so they are always off to a flying start with their campaigns. We are now working on thought leadership articles for the same client around the hot topics of counterfeiting and GxP validation in forthcoming weeks – ensuring that our client is settling in quickly with fresh campaign content.

Going virtual brings vital media attention

The event season is right around the corner, although most will be taking place virtually rather than physically – that means we need to make the most of interview opps for our clients. We are already underway to use the keynote session at a major field service event in the U.S. as a pitching topic for journalist interviews – without needing to set foot in an exhibition hall!

The power of the press (coverage)

Who said journalists spend all of August on holiday?! This was an excellent month for us in delivering clippings for our clients. From Dutch floraculture mags on agritech to aircraft maintenance in the U.S. and manufacturing in the UK to telecoms in South Africa. IBA clients have seen good traction with their target journalists, particularly through interview and feature pieces – in APAC, the U.S., MEA and Europe.

And now, like many other companies, IBA is back in the office and in full swing – although some of us are behind plastic screens and sanitizers abound! Whatever challenges Q4 may bring, IBA will be ready to adapt and continue working hard for our clients.

Hannah Watson is a PR Executive at IBA International.

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