The last few months have provided one of the biggest global business shocks in the past half century, and in our 50+ year history IBA has seen a few. But one thing has never changed, our commitment to sharing knowledge, help and support for B2B marketing and comms professionals.
We always tell our clients that it is the role of a leader to educate the market, and the same applies to us – whether it’s running media training sessions, hosting press briefings or our recent B2B digital comms masterclasses – the IBA team has always been at the forefront of knowledge sharing.
Here’s a High Five of recent IBA articles, placed in key marcom publications and designed to help marketing managers and businesses get their B2B marketing strategies back on track:
The current crisis demands more external communication – Ragan’s PR Daily
In this article placed in one of the most read PR industry publications, IBA explains why B2B business should seize the comms initiative at a difficult time. Taking confident and sensible strides forward in a time of stagnation will establish them as an industry frontrunner.
How the PR industry is reacting to COVID-19 – Generation PR
PR career resource and knowledge hub Generation PR put together a round-up of some of the top responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. IBA’s advice on the value of engaging journalists on a content-basis features prominently alongside other PR leaders, including WPP (by the way we think WPP’s advice is very short-sighted!).
Is your business up to the stress test of external forces beyond your control? #BusinessContinuity – B2B Marketing
This IBA article explains why it’s ‘business continuity’ which needs to be the name of the game from a PR and marketing perspective, now and during the coming months. The article was shared to the publication’s thousands of marketing professionals who use the website as a source of industry best practice.
How your pattern of comms activity can signal field leadership in a crisis – or weakness! – CustomerThink
Here IBA describes how a solid content strategy should form the basis of any B2B communications strategy, with PR playing a crucial role in amplifying key messaging. A powerful pattern of activity should be at the core of all strategies, regardless of the current market climate.
Business Continuity in B2B Marketing and PR – CustomerZone360
This piece adds further weight to the importance of keeping your name front of mind. Retaining customers and attracting prospects in the current business environment calls for scaling, not slashing marketing and PR efforts.