IBA Talking Propeller Heads takes a sanity check on AI

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AI: The Good, The Bad, & The Seriously Useful

Are you in the trough of AI disillusionment or having AI fatigue along with many top  journalists? It may be of comfort to know that you are on a well-trodden route taken by transformation technologies as defined in Gartner’s Hype Cycle. First the money piles in as the hype takes off, then comes the trough of disillusionment, but we move on to the slope of enlightenment, and finally reach the plateau of productivity.

So where are we now with AI?

Our latest Talking Propeller Heads video discussion weighs in on the good and the bad of AI, and then helps you climb the slope of enlightenment with a deeper dive into the seriously useful. We’re already seeing positive use cases from pharma to the financial industry, and from shop floor to top floor. It will even help you spot mediocre copywriters by helping them get worse rather than better!

To put the current state of AI in perspective and it’s recent offspring, Generative AI, into its proper place, we drew on the thoughts of Shazam’s founding CTO, Mike Karliner, who is talking to IBA’s CEO Judith Ingleton-Beer in our latest Talking Propeller Heads – it’s an easy 15-minute listen!

If you would like more information, please email: talkingpropellerheads@iba-international.com.

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