This month the UK has been center stage on the political scene and in media terms courtesy of the ‘Brexit’ referendum and the England soccer team’s early exit from the Euro 2016 Championships.
Despite these excitements IBA’s worldwide activities carried on and it was ‘business as usual’ as we forged ahead with cementing European relationships for our clients. In June the IBA Pitch&Place team had particular success drafting and placing thought leadership articles in leading IT and key vertical market publications for our enterprise communications client.
Our Aerospace and Defence client combined the past with the future when we invited top industry journalists, analysts and respected figures in the A&D industry to an ‘influencer’ event at the Tower of London. There was a demonstration of cutting-edge augmented reality next to the famous dungeons to powerfully reinforce our client’s brand and messaging. The event positioned our client as genuine market leaders – something we’re keen to stress the importance of here in the Level Pitcher.
The June Level Pitcher takes a look at how to maximise ‘earned media’, and how B2B marketing differs across social media platforms. If you have any thoughts on the role of the media in the political changes in Europe or indeed in the rest of the world – Donald v Hillary – why not leave a comment below? We’d love to hear from you.
We’ve had a great H1 for our clients across every arm of our various PR campaigns as we head into the traditionally quiet summer holidays. For now, we’re all looking forward to celebrating IBA’s 50th anniversary. Donald Ingleton-Beer founded our parent company the publishing house Special Interest Publications Ltd in July 1966. The team here is making sure the next 50 years will be as successful as the first!
Jon Brown, Pitch&Place specialist at IBA International