Advice for communicators has been varied during the coronavirus crisis, but we were shocked that some big-name and high retainer fee agencies were warning B2B organizations to only focus on opportunities and content for ‘down the road’ to get placements. This just shows how out of touch some of them are. We have found the trade and tech media to be on top form, providing help to their readers when and where it is needed and at the same time providing great opportunities for media placements!
IBA has been encouraging our clients not just to think about the future, but to concentrate on the now. Our advice has been consistent throughout the crisis: keep communicating!
Let’s see how this advice has paid off for IBA clients recently:
Don’t let your customer wins go unnoticed
Our Clinical Research Organization has been chosen to support a ground-breaking clinical trial for patients with COVID-19, and it was agreed a press release was the best way to communicate this to the media. The news was placed in a number of top tier UK and U.S. healthcare publications and the distribution of the press release also secured an interview with a key disease management publication, with the client set to be featured in their upcoming issue.
From thought leadership to field leadership
But it’s not just clients in the healthcare industry whose articles have received good traction. If content addresses solutions to new business problems presented by COVID-19, journalists will want to publish it. Last month we were busy pitching remote service case studies, in May we’ve been busy pitching pieces on zero contact aircraft maintenance sign-offs for one of our clients – alongside its planned Q2 campaign. The additional thought leadership has had great media traction. Within days A&D journalists either used the piece or requested additional information to help shape their current remote maintenance features.
Going virtual brings media benefits
And now we’re involved in supporting our global insurance technology provider’s online insurance event, through press releases, social media and outreach. With speakers and an agenda confirmed, sign-ups are in full swing – and journalists have taken note. One top publication in the insurance industry has already expressed an interest for a collaborative feature following our targeted pitching.
By keeping our finger on the pulse and keeping up with the topics that prospects and journalists need information on, our clients have maintained a great media presence this month – regardless of their industry focus.
Eleanor Rhodes is a PR Account Executive at IBA International.