Stepping up in 2019: It’s not just trophies that can win you recognition

We are deep into awards season, a time for recognition and reflection. The recent Grammys encapsulated this spirit perfectly. Following Grammy Awards president Neil Portnow’s provocative comments in 2018 that women needed to “step up” to be considered for the…

Knock, knock – it’s everything you wish you knew about PR in 2018

Have you received a billion emails lately titled “We have updated our Privacy Policy”, “Is this goodbye?” and “Please don’t go”? If not, don’t get all #FOMO just yet! GDPR is a big deal and it will affect your business…

A month in review – technology old and new

The spirit of technology and science really caught on at the IBA office this month. To kick things off, we have been re-engineering our social media strategy to give PR professionals some “food for thought” – stats, facts and figures…

#PRFood4Thought February Roundup

The IBA #PRFood4Thought hashtag has just over a month under its belt which means it’s time for our first monthly roundup! These roundups will allow us to take a deeper dive into the months posts without the restriction of Twitter’s…

Editorial calendars – turn possible PR coverage into a sure thing

Finding articles difficult to place? Unsure on what topics journalists are going to be writing about? Simon Woolley at the IBA PressOffice, explains how editorial calendars can uncover journalist secrets and help you gain valuable press coverage. With more content…

Delivering a targeted PR campaign – not rocket-science!

In February, Elon Musk’s Falcon Heavy rocket had a successful test flight and sent a cherry red Tesla roadster into the orbit of Mars. With “Don’t panic”1 written on the car’s dashboard screen and David Bowie’s “Life on Mars” now…

Kicking off 2018 in style: And the award goes to…

Award season has kicked off, with the Golden Globes and Grammys getting the ball rolling and the Oscars not far off either. Whether you’re glued to the screen, don’t give a DAMN1 or “too cool to care but will check…

Made to measure – How to calculate the value from your B2B social media strategy

Social media is no longer just an option for B2B marketers - it is an absolute must. Here are some simple tools to measure and improve its effectiveness Many B2B companies have failed to embrace social media as a marketing…

Why big engagements aren’t only for royals

Ding-dong, ding-dong, a royal wedding is on the horizon! Prince Harry is officially off the market, and while the guys in the IBA office won’t shed a tear, I reserve the right to be at least a little heartbroken. But…

4 things to do in Q4: Strategize, review, assess and repeat!

October was International Strategic Planning Month and in offices all around the world, planning was in full force – the year in review, future industry trends, and next year’s strategy were all on the agenda. Set your goals wisely and…