The Benefits of an Active Blogging Program are more than you might think
Small businesses with blogs get 126% more lead growth than small businesses without
There’s no doubt that an active company blog boosts SEO, strengthens lead-generation and establishes authority in your markets. Stats show 53% of marketers put blog content creation as their number one inbound marketing priority.
But when IBA pinged out a tweet ‘do you have time to blog regularly?’, within a day we had over 1,000 responses from hard-pressed marketing executives.
We’re specialists in content creation. Talk to us about our low-cost blogging service. But even if you have time to blog once a week, how often does that one blog post just sit on your company website?
It’s achieving only a fraction of what’s possible. Post it on LinkedIn, tweet it, think out of the box and place it in an opinion leading magazine in your market to get the third party endorsement that will help your outbound marketing. Then post the article clip on your website, tweet it and hey presto, one blog, many many hits.
"Data privacy concerns are making it more worthwhile to combine your outbound and inbound marketing. We produce brilliant blogs and adapt them to target prospects in industry publications"
The IBA team are specialists at re-imagining and editing your blogs for media pitching. Our Pitch&Place team will edit and pitch the blogs – complete with hyperlinks for SEO - to your Tier One media. We guarantee at least three placements in target Tier One media for each blog. Talk to us.
In more than one country? The IBA hub can deliver our services in any geography.
IBA Services
Targeted content creation from a journalist-trained editorial team.
A full-scale, low-cost PR campaign to get the most out of your content marketing efforts.
The quick and effective way to achieve consistent international coverage for your business.
A smart and simple solution to your B2B social media strategy.
Find the people who influence the buying decisions and convert them into brand advocates.
A low-cost blogging program to strengthen lead-gen and establish authority in your markets.
Want to know more?
If you want learn more about what we do and help you achieve your marketing goals, get in touch with the IBA team.